Rob Roy Cocktail Recipe & Ingredients

The Rob Roy drink is similar to the Manhattan cocktail, with the exception that it calls for...

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If you like the Manhattan cocktail, you’re going to love the Rob Roy Cocktail.

What is a Rob Roy?

The Rob Roy drink is quite similar to the popular Manhattan cocktail, with the exception that it calls for scotch rather than American whiskey. Although the switch from bourbon (or rye) to scotch may not seem like a big deal, the difference is substantial. Also, it’s tasty.

What glass is a Rob Roy served in?

The Rob Roy is typically served in a Nick and Nora or coupe glass. If you don’t own the right glassware for this cocktail, consider some of the options below.

Variations of the Rob Roy cocktail

Want to try some variations on this cocktail? Here are some common remixes on this classic. 

  • Brooklynn
  • Manhattan
  • Perfect Manhattan

How to make a Rob Roy

Below are the ingredients and directions for a Rob Roy. We hope you love this drink as much as we do.

Rob roy

Rob Roy

Recipe by Julian Solorzano
0.0 from 0 votes
Cuisine: Classic CocktailDifficulty: Easy ????




Total time




  • 2 Ounces Scotch

  • 1 Ounces Italian sweet vermouth

  • Dash of Peychaud’s bitters

  • Lemon zest coin


  • Stir all of the ingredients (except the garnish) in a mixing glass with ice.
  • Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  • Express the lemon zest coin over the drink and drop it in.

Recipe Video


So what do you think of the Rob Roy cocktail? Will you be like bond and give the cocktail a whirl? Let us know in the comments below. 

If you want to see more awesome mixology content, check out our full blog, and subscribe to our newsletter to get great recipes just like this one, straight to your inbox. Until next time, stay safe, get hammered.

Jedain crimson cocktail 2.
Written by Jedain Arron, Founder and writer

Hey there! 👋 I'm Jedain, a 30-something-year-old Cocktail enthusiast from Columbus, Ohio. I've fallen head over heels for the art of crafting cocktails, with a particular passion for anything whiskey-based. (Bourbon has captured my heart).

This blog documents my adventures in mixology (shakers, stirrers, and all). Follow along as I explore classic and contemporary cocktail recipes, share my favorite Bourbon discoveries, and chronicle my journey through the world of craft spirits and cocktail creation.

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Edited by Nick Eggert, Editor

Nick is our staff editor and co-founder. He has a passion for writing, editing, and website development. His expertise lies in shaping content with precision and managing digital spaces with a keen eye for detail. When not working on the site, you can find him sipping Bourbon at the karaoke bar.


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